Calcul embarqué haute performance, Systèmes robustes fiables et sécurisés, Intelligence artificielle et systèmes embarqués

Call for Papers – WCET 2024
July 9, 2024
Lille, France

The 22nd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET
2024) targets the resource-consumption analysis of embedded systems in a broad
sense, with an emphasis on techniques to analyze the worst-case execution time
(WCET) of real-time software. The workshop covers a wide range of topics related
to embedded real-time systems, timing analysis, program analysis, as well as
hardware and operating-system designs. With the goal of comprehensively meeting
resource requirements, the WCET Workshop 2024 welcomes contributions of analysis
techniques for resources other than time, such as energy or memory.

# Important Dates
* Submission deadline: May 9
* Acceptance notification: June 6
* Workshop day: July 9

# Location
As in previous years, the 22nd edition of the WCET workshop will be co-located
with the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2024) in Lille, France, from July 9 – 12, 2024.

# Goals and Topics
A large class of embedded systems is distinguished from general-purpose
computing systems by the need to satisfy (strict) resource requirements. The
analysis of such systems is challenging due to the interaction of the physical
environment with the system’s software, which, in turn, interacts with the
underlying hardware. All these interactions make it difficult in practice to
guarantee that a system meets all its resource requirements. Designers and
engineers thus strive for their systems to be predictable and analyzable,
thereby facilitating the verification of the systems’ worst-case behavior.

In order to foster vivid discussions, the workshop especially appreciates
statements and approaches that are innovative or controversial.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Static/measurement-based/hybrid analysis techniques
* Program-flow analyses (e.g., loop bounds, infeasible paths)
* Microarchitectural resource-consumption modeling
* Hardware designs for predictability
* Predictable, resource-aware operating systems
* Analysis of resources other than time (e.g., worst-case energy consumption)
* Trade-offs between resource demands
* Tools for worst-case analysis
* Compiler-directed worst-case optimization & analysis
* Programming-language support for embedded systems
* Methods & benchmarks for worst-case-analysis evaluation
* Machine-learning approaches for worst-case analysis
* WCET analysis in the academic curriculum
* Integration of WCET & schedulability analysis
* Analysis of parallel applications & many-core systems
* Case studies & industrial experiences

# Submission Instructions
Research papers should present original research results not published or
submitted for publication in other forums. Accepted papers will be published via
Schloss Dagstuhl’s OASIcs online proceedings series. By submitting a paper, the
authors agree and confirm that: (1) Neither this paper nor a version close to
it is under submission or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by
WCET 2024. (2) If accepted, at least one author will register for WCET 2024 and
present the paper at the workshop in person.

Papers submitted for the WCET workshop must be written in English, must not
exceed 10 pages, should conform with the OASIcs typesetting requirements, and
must be submitted in PDF format using the WCET workshop paper submission
website. The bibliography does not count towards the page limit of 10 pages.
Author names, affiliations, and self-references should not be anonymized.

* Submission website:
* Template:

# Program Committee

Konstantinos Bletsas – Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP/IPP)
Hugues Cassé – IRIT, Univ. Toulouse 3
Liliana Cucu-Grosjean – INRIA, StatInf
Björn Forsberg – RISE
Benjamin Lesage – ONERA
Björn Lisper – Mälardalen University
Isabelle Puaut – IRISA, Univ. Rennes
Peter Puschner – Vienna University of Technology
Martin Schoeberl – Technical University of Denmark
Peter Wägemann – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

# Workshop Chair
* Thomas Carle, IRIT, Univ. Toulouse 3

# Steering Committee
* Björn Lisper, Mälardalen University
* Isabelle Puaut, University of Rennes I/IRISA
* Jan Reineke, Saarland University

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