Frontières et interfaces cyberphysiques, Sécurité et intégrité des systèmes, Méthodes et outils

Telecom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris has a Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position in Model-Based Systems Engineering for Complex Systems at the LTCI laboratory as part of the ACES (Autonomous & Critical Embedded Systems) team in the INFRES (Computer Science and Networks) department. ACES team conducts leading research on the modeling, analysis, management and development of complex systems to provide guarantees on crucial properties such as safety, security, adaptability, scalability, correctness, etc.

The position is for three years renewable as part of the ASC (Complex Systems Architecture) chair between IPP, Dassault Systems, Dassault Aviation, Nexter and Naval Group. It comes with additional benefits such as a dedicated engineer for assisting with teaching and research duties and with some research projects funds.

To apply, please send the following

  • Detailed CV.
  • Cover letter.
  • Teaching statement including a summary of activities, university-level teaching and continuing education project (max 4 pages).
  • Research statement including summary and results of activities and research project (max 4 pages).
  • Copy of the 3 best and relevant research publications.
  • Names and email addresses of two persons who can provide an informed opinion on the application.

Deadline : March 31 2024

Do not hesitate to contact me ( for more information.

Full job description here

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